Financial Academy App is a DePay/Coinbase application developed for investors with a do it yourself financial savings application, that will help investors prepare for expense without investment payment risks. Whether you are a first time or seasoned investor our app will give the investor the opportunity to invest and lower cost risks associated with market movements. Any and all ERC20 Ethereum based tokens sent on the Ethereum blockchain via Coinbase staking account. Users must sign up to a DePay Coinbase account through Financial Academy App App. Transfer between other crypto cash applications instantly. Users have the opportunity to invest in Staking As Service, and get a significant APY on held funds. When the parents are ready to spend, account funds can be accessed and payed out through Coinbase Visa card or to multiple blockchain payment options attached to the account. There is a 3 percent charge for all incoming transactions. There’s a 20 dollar minimum initial investment is required. Currently supports Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain and Polygon. More coming soon. Businesses now can pay out Crypto benefits to their employees on our network by having employees download our Financial Academy App. Companies send any crypto to employees from the networks above and the token is instantly converted to USDC. Remove the no gas problem for benefits to employees. We will collect and present to the payout business, the employee or business token payout addresses to pay to.